

Delaware’s plan to support schools is vague.


The state seeks to tailor support to individual schools, and thus requires a needs assessment for every identified school. However, the state does not specify any criteria for the content of improvement plans, based on the needs assessment, nor does it say how it will approve local plans or distribute funding requests for the $3 million Delaware has set aside for school-improvement activities.


Delaware has a detailed timeline for identifying schools and monitoring performance, but it won’t identify schools until November of each year.


In this case, Delaware would wait nearly six months after the end of the school year for which the identification is based. The state may want to consider ways to move that timeline up (perhaps using multiple years of data) so that students can benefit faster from any required actions.


New Mexico


New Mexico clearly states what action must be taken in schools that fail to improve three years after being initially identified for comprehensive support and improvement. Schools must choose between a concrete list of intervention options or the state department will choose one for it. New Mexico is committed to providing additional funding to plans that use the strongest base of evidence and to providing “Direct Student Services” to support expanded learning time, AP course access, K-3 literacy and mathematics, pre-k services, personalized learning, and student transportation.


Choose a state to see their plans for supporting schools: