Check State Plans | Our Peer Reviewers
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Our Peer Reviewers

Bellwether Education Partners and the Collaborative for Student Success went to great lengths to convene a group of 45 peer reviewers to review the 34 state plans submitted in September and October of 2017.


The peers represented bipartisan viewpoints and are former state policymakers, members of the civil rights and disability communities, and education experts with state and national policy expertise.

Hear from the Peers

Former state education chiefs share why these reviews are so valuable to current chiefs and other state policymakers:

State advocates who participated in this peer review share why and how state advocates should use the feedback on their state’s plan to affect change.

Meet the Peers

John Bailey


Tony Bennett

Education Reform Strategies, LLC


Lauren J. Bierbaum



Alice Johnson Cain

Teach Plus


Whitney Chapa

Arizona Chamber of Commerce


Dale Chu

Independent Consultant


Aaron Churchill

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute – Ohio


Soncia Coleman

United Way Worldwide


Kathy Cox

Former CEO, U.S. Education Delivery Institute


Lucille Davy

Education Policy Consultant


David Dunn

Consultant, Chief of Staff to the U.S. Secretary of Education under George W. Bush


Dale Erquiaga (with Tiffany Miller)

Communities in Schools


Ginny Gentles

Senior Advisor for education reform policy & advocacy organizations


Aimee Guidera (with Paige Kowalski)

Data Quality Campaign


Terry Holliday

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

Donna Johnson

Delaware State Board of Education


Lindsay Jones (with Melissa Turner)

National Center for Learning Disabilities


Lisa Graham Keegan

Keegan Company


Liz King (with Gisela Ariza)

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights


Sandy Kress

Akin-Gump LLC


Phillip Lovell (with Lindsay Dworkin)

Alliance for Excellent Education


Natasha Ushomirsky

The Education Trust


Tom Luna

Project Lead the Way


Erika McConduit

Urban League of Louisiana


Doug Mesecar

Lexington Institute


Rashidah Morgan

Education First


Gavin Payne

GPC Advisors, LLC


Shanna Peeples

2015 National Teacher of the Year


Gini Pupo-Walker

Conexión Americas


Diane Stark Rentner

Center on Education Policy

Ryan Reyna

Education Strategy Group


Gerard Robinson

The Center for Advancing Opportunity


Scott Sargrad

Center for American Progress


Javaid E. Siddiqi

The Hunt Institute


Hal Smith

National Urban League


Loren Trull



Leslie Villegas

Migration Policy Institute


Claire Voorhees

Foundation for Excellence in Education


Joanne Weiss

Weiss Associates LLC


Anne Wicks

George W. Bush Institute


Conor Williams

New America Foundation


Christy Wolfe

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools


Jamie Woodson (with David Mansouri)

Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE)


Michael Yudin

The Raben Group

Now that you’ve met the peers…


See what they had to say about your state’s plan.